Type of comedy I dislike

written: 2024-08-12

updated: 2024-08-12


I've realised that I dislike a certain type of comedy that is fairly popular, however I can't quite put my finger on what it's called. I'm currently defining the type by a group of works I've read that I've not really enjoyed which all gave me a siliar vibe. The group is Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams books, as well as Monty Python movies.

The realisation came to me while I was reading the first chapter1 of Beware of Chicken, which is a highly rated progression fantasy series that also gave me that same vibe.

Obviously, no beef with anyone that likes said comedies, but they're just not my cup of tea.

I think that the most accurate descriptors are satirical comedy, tongue-in-cheek comedy or over-the-top comedy, but none of them fit the bill completely.


Note: I'm writing this right after reading chapter one, but I'm still going to read a dozen more chapters to find out whether I'll like other aspects of the series